Investment Advice – Battle-Tested Strategies That Work
When it comes to investment advice, many people may not know where to turn. There are a variety of options including brokers, bankers and financial planners. In fact, there are over 300,000 financial planners in the United States alone. Additionally, there are many professional and amateur resources available. These include investment blogs, websites, chat rooms, social platforms, forums, YouTube channels and more.
Investment newsletters are yet another alternative. We should know. Here at Investment U, we’ve been part of the Oxford Club and the investment newsletter business for more than 20 years. And throughout the years, we’ve seen it all.
The following is a modified transcript from Alexander Green’s “20 Years: Best Investing Strategies” video.
Alexander Green is Chief Investment Strategist of The Oxford Club and Liberty Through Wealth. For 16 years, Alex worked as an investment advisor, research analyst and portfolio manager on Wall Street. After developing his extensive knowledge and achieving financial independence, he retired at the age of 43. He is the Senior Editor of The Oxford Communiqué, which was ranked as one of the top investment newsletters by Hulbert Digest for more than a decade.
Battle-Tested Strategy, Based On Principles That Work
If you think back 21 years ago was the year 2000. Over the last two decades or so we’ve seen the collapse of the internet bubble. Not long after that we had 9/11, the housing boom and then bust, and then the financial crisis. After that we experienced what I call the most disrespected bull market in history.
No one could believe for most of the last decade that stocks really were coming back from such a terrible hole we’d gotten ourselves in. But during all these ups and downs the Oxford Club’s philosophy and investment advice has worked out extraordinarily well. I think it’s because it’s a battle-tested strategy that’s based on real world principles that work.
There’s No Such Thing As The Foreseeable Future – David McCullough
Accept the Uncertainty That’s Inherent in the Markets
There’s no such thing as the foreseeable future. When we look back, it’s perfectly obvious when you should have bought. When you should have sold. What you should have bought and what you should have avoided. But if you look forward it’s always a blank slate.
We accept the uncertainty that’s inherent in the markets and we use a philosophy and a strategy that’s based on the fact that we can’t know with certainty what the market is going to do. And so what do we do?
Investment Advice – Tips That Work
1. Asset Allocate – We divide our our assets among different non-correlated assets.
You may not realize it, but your asset allocation is your single most important investment decision, responsible for as much as 90% of your portfolio’s long-term return.
Asset allocation, of course, refers to how you divide your portfolio among different non-correlated asset classes, including large and small cap stocks, foreign and domestic equities, high-grade bonds, high-yield bonds and inflation-adjusted Treasurys.
2. Don’t Just Buy The Market – Another point of investment advice – we don’t just recommend buying the market as a whole. We select companies that we think are likely to beat expectations and perform much better than the broader market.
3. Know When to Sell – Of course we don’t know how high the stocks we recommend are going to go or when they’re going to drop. So we have a sell discipline as well. We run trailing stops behind each position and that way we never let a small loss turn into an unacceptable loss. We also never let our major profits just slip through our fingers.
Liberty Through Wealth

Turn Our Investment Advice Into Your Financial Success
So we have a set of principles that has stood us well for the last 20+ years! I’m glad that has turned into financial success for a lot of our readers. Certainly most of our readers have acted on our research and I look forward to the next 20+ years giving investment advice to the Oxford Club members because I love what I do have no plans to go anywhere else. So if you need some more help and guidance I certainly intend to be here to give it to you.
If you’re not a member of the Oxford Club, by all means feel free to sign up for my daily e-letter Liberty Through Wealth. It’s completely free. Just sign up in the field below and we’d love to have you as a subscriber!