Bond Investing
What is Bond Current Yield?
January 22, 2022
Bond current yield is a simple measure of what the bond will earn if you buy and hold it for a year based on its current price and coupon.
What is a Bond Valuation?
January 20, 2022
A bond valuation involves looking at two core figures: the present value of the coupon payment and the present value of the par value.
What Is a Bond Ladder?
January 19, 2022
A bond ladder is a supportive strategy in which investors layer bonds with different maturity rates into a single portfolio.
What are Bond Funds?
January 18, 2022
Bond Funds have two primary goals: to generate passive income and to hedge against stock market volatility.
How do Bond Ratings Work to Determine Credit Worthiness of a Bond?
January 17, 2022
Bond ratings work to determine the credit worthiness of a bond. They’re a signal to prospective investors for reliability.
What are Bond Futures?
January 16, 2022
Bond futures are an agreement between two parties to transact securities, in this case bonds, at some time in the future.
What is a Bond Quote?
January 15, 2022
A bond quote is what signals whether any given bond trades at a discount or a premium. This gives investors context for bond prices.
What is Bond Equivalent Yield?
January 13, 2022
Bond equivalent yield is a way of valuing discount bonds to determine annual percentage yield using specific benchmark tools.