Investment Opportunities

Nature Knows Where the Stock Market Is Headed

It turns out that when we let things run wild… the wild does funny things.

Lordstown Motors IPO: New EV Company Going Public via SPAC

A Lordstown Motors IPO is coming to the market. The company plans to go public via SPAC IPO. But is Lordstown Motors stock a good investment?

Kodak Jumped 2,000%… This Stock Just Sent the Same Signal!

I’ll tell you how to potentially profit without having to buy a single share of stock!

Two of the Best Trading Strategies Revealed

If the stock soars, I win. If it drops, I still win.

Buy THIS Sector Now

The downside risk in this sector is minimal, and the potential upside returns look very promising.

The Best Way to “Disaster Hedge” Right Now (Part 2)

Simple hedging techniques will help you prepare for market uncertainty.

One of the Smartest Money Moves You Can Make

Trillions of dollars in freshly printed cash are getting pushed into the market. Here’s how to take advantage for short-term profits.

The Best Way to “Disaster Hedge” Right Now (Part 1)

Hedging to prevent big losses is just as important as locking in big gains.