Commodity Investing

How Smart Investors Buy Silver and Gold

Silver and gold are both popular hedges. There are many ways to buy these metals. Here, we look at the pros and cons of each option.

Electronics Recyclers: The Gold Mining Stocks You’ve Never Heard Of

Electronics recyclers are the other gold mining stocks. They can pull a serious amount of metal from our e-waste… and you can profit from their work.

The Pros and Cons of Arctic Oil Drilling (And Why We Should Start Now)

The Obama administration just granted Shell approval to drill in the Arctic Ocean. Is the decision a win for Big Oil… a loss for environmentalists… or both?

Cline Shale: The Newest, Hottest Shale Oil Play

There’s an old 1950s Texas saying that goes something like this: “A few oil wells makes ranching a fine business.” But after the initial boom that ended in the 1970s, Texas oil seemed like it was heading in the direction of “all hat and no cattle.”

>> The Newest, Hottest Shale Oil Play