Financial Freedom

Why We Do What We Do

Things are tough out there. We’ve never seen anything quite like it before. So we’re checking in on you.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly About COVID-19

The rapid onset of the COVID-19 virus has had major implications on global health and wealth. Here are the key takeaways that we should all understand…

This Time Is Different… Just Like Every Other Time

The global coronavirus pandemic and resulting market slump are an entirely new challenge for wealth builders… Or are they?

What Is the Stock Market? An Introductory Market Guide

When many people think of the stock market, they envision the Hollywood version of Wall Street.

How to Protect Yourself From the Next Worldwide Economic Collapse

Humanity’s response to economic shifts is complex, but even still, there are ways to protect yourself financially.

I’ll Have a Corona, Please… With a Side of Buffett

The stock market’s plunge over the past month has been spectacular, but if you keep your head, there is a bright side for building wealth.

The Discomfort of Freedom

Unconventional folks often butt heads with mainstream thinkers. But embracing our differences is the only way to maintain our freedom.

The Coronavirus Is Revealing an Even Greater Epidemic

Desperate times call for desperate measures… but our nation is taking the wrong measures. And that doesn’t bode well.