Financial Freedom

The Toughest – and Most Valuable! – Lesson to Learn

To get where we want to go, all we can do is make decisions based on the knowledge we have at the time. And none of us can do it on our own.

Beware of Marxists in French Clothes

In the world of economists, Thomas Piketty has been lauded as an overnight rock star. But are his views on financial economics actually anything new?

Why You Need to Stay Connected to the Soil

The further a person is removed from farming and the production of food, the less they understand about life.

Make 3 People Smile Today

Charisma is an important skill for achieving success and a rich life. It doesn’t come naturally to everyone, but luckily there’s a simple way to be charming.

Food Entrepreneurs Go Rogue and Get Around the Government

The government doesn’t much like unregulated food. But at the Rogue Food Conference, farmers and other food rebels showed there’s a way to fight back.

What This Nobel Prize-Winning Scientist’s Mistake Can Teach You About Investing

The retraction of a scientific paper on chemistry may seem like it has nothing to do with investing, but the lesson might just hold the secret of wealth.

A Profound Truth About What It Means to Exercise

We tend to think about nutrition in terms of food. But what about how we move?

Why Investors Should Follow the Trend Lines… Not the Headlines

Media negativity makes investors even more risk averse than they naturally are. Here’s why you need to follow the trend lines if you want to grow your wealth.