Financial Literacy

What is the Average Directional Index (ADX)?

The Average Directional Index is one of the most important and useful tools for technical analysis that investors use on a daily basis.

Par Value: What Does it Mean?

Here’s a closer look at par value in the context of investment products, specifically bonds and other fixed income instruments.

What is Bayes’ Theorem?

Bayes’ Theorem has applications in just about every corner of the investing world. It’s not only used to predict the probability of stock price movements.

What are Bollinger Bands®?

Bollinger bands® create a price channel that’s overlaid onto a stock chart. It has three specific bands: high, low and average.

What is Average True Range?

Average True Range is an extremely useful metric. For traders, it’s especially useful as a measure of expected volatility. Here’s how it works. 

What’s in the Berkshire Hathaway Portfolio?

The Berkshire Hathaway portfolio is where many investors look when they want to see exactly where Buffett’s attention is on Wall Street.

What are Baby Bonds?

Here’s a closer look at baby bonds and why they’re such a popular investment for fixed-income investors seeking bond exposure. 

What is a Break-Even Analysis?

Most American businesses use a break-even analysis to understand the level of revenue needed to cover the cost of doing business.