Financial Literacy

What Is Cash Flow?

Cash flow seems like a simple concept for most businesses, but it can be extremely complicated when you break down a company’s financial health.

What Is a Board of Directors?

If you have the utmost confidence in a company’s Board of Directors, you are more likely to have confidence in your investment.

What is a Capital Gain or Loss?

During tax season and throughout the year, it’s important to keep a close eye on your capital gain or loss from your investments.

What is a Broker?

A broker buys and sells securities on behalf of the investor. It’s important to do your research and find a broker that meets your specific needs.

What is Cash Basis Accounting?

Cash basis accounting is much different than accrual basis accounting, but it’s still in use today by many small businesses.

What Is Book Value?

Researching book value is a great way for an investor to find the worth of a company based on the sum of its assets in total.

What is a Cash Flow Statement?

It’s important for all investors to have ab etter understanding of the businesses they want to invest in. And you can start with a cash flow statement.

What is a Balance Sheet?

It’s important to do a deep dive on the financial records and balance sheet of a company before making an investment decision.