Investment Opportunities
Why You Should Not Pay Off Your Mortgage
February 6, 2020
Mainstream investment gurus extoll the virtues of paying off your mortgage. But they’re wrong. Your mortgage is an essential tool for building wealth.
Peloton and Twitter – Two Earnings Plays to Watch Immediately
February 5, 2020
Will Peloton and Twitter gap up or gap down tomorrow morning? We’ll certainly be tracking and trading them in The War Room.
The Future of Energy Storage Systems
February 5, 2020
The Advanced Rail Energy Storage system is the new way to store power.
How Coronavirus Exposed a Sector Weakness
February 4, 2020
Fears of coronavirus have affected energy stocks, leading to low prices and losses.
Removing the Mystery From the VXX
February 4, 2020
Knowing how to trade the VXX is just as important as understanding how it actually works.
How to Play the Election Cycle in Your Favor
February 4, 2020
The uncertain market during the past few election years means it’s time to build a more defensive portfolio in 2020.
Lyft Stock Rises as Earnings Report Approaches
February 4, 2020
Lyft stock got off to a rough start after its initial IPO. However, the ridesharing company looks to turn things around in over the next few months.